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Play Flash SWF Files In Blogger - My First Flash Movie!


PLAY-FLASH-BLOGGERPlaying a flash file in any blog or website is really easy but unfortunately we still see tutorials where a long complex code is shared whilst you can just add few lines of code to let things play. I previously shared a list of 10 high quality flash clocks all

embedded in our blog post and they work just fine. I will share the same code here.

 But first I guess you will enjoy a sample flash movie that I created for my School class mates back in the year 2009, when I had just started learning blogging. The Following movie is surely approved for appropriate audiences! =p

To Play the flash file in full screen kindly click here

Adding Flash files in Blogger Blogs

To Add a flash file in blogger posts, sidebars, footers etc. just use the following simple embedding code,
<object><param name="movie" value="Add_Flash_File_Direct_Link_Here"><embed src="Add_Flash_File_Direct_Link_Herewidth="300" height="300" wmode="transparent"> </embed></object>

Make these changes:
  • Replace Add_Flash_File_Direct_Link_Here with the Direct URL of your flash file. You can upload the flash file at Mydatanest and then you can get the link from there.
  • Make sure you keep the width and height equal to the original resolution of the flash file for better quality. By default the width and height parameters are each set to 300px in the above code.
Add the code to your posts, publish it and view your blog to see it live in action. Have Fun! :>


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