Most Viewed Posts Widget With Thumbnails by Blogger

imageBlogger recently introduced there Most ViewedWidget which is also called Popular Posts widget. This gadget displays the posts which has the maximum number of pageviews in three ways i.e. All time, monthly or weekly. It is a great tool to engage your readers more and increase your page views. It will also help you know which of your posts leads the row.

Add The Popular Posts Widget To Your Blogs

  1. Go To Blogger > Design > Page Elements
  2. Click "Add a Gadget"
  3. Choose the Popular Posts Widget
popular posts
    4.  Set your settings in this way,
  5.   Save your widget and you are done!

    For thumbnails to appear make sure you always add an intro image of 100px by 100px at least in your post starting paragraph. The square size will give a more clearer picture. You can make the image as big as 300px by 300px.

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