Add a favicon for blogger

Favicon is one small part of your blog design, usually blogger blogs have Blogger logotype as favicon, but you can easily change it to your favicon.One of the interesting features of HTML is the website icon or popularly known to us as the Favicon, a shortcut for Favorite Icon. This icon is an image that is displayed, by supported browsers, before the site's title in the tab or the image you can see beside the site's url in the address bar.

Adding a favicon to the blogger(blogspot) blog:
First you need to design/create/generate a favicon or get the ‘readymade’ favicons
from the web(preferably 16×16 size).So,Now your icon is ready…You are just a few steps away from creating a beautiful favicon for your site…
Check out this Favicon Generator Tool which allows you to upload an image and it will format it for you!

Installing Favicon to Blogger

Instructions To Follow:
Log in to Blogger, go to Design -> Edit HTML and mark the tick box "Expand Widget Templates"

Then, find (CTRL+F) this code in the template:

and look for this code(it is at the top the template)


and add the below code just after the above one[as shown in the below screenshot]
<link href=' icon file url ' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/'/>

and replace the ‘icon file url’ with the url of your icon file.(like http…….ico)

That’s it! Now you can see a beautiful favicon in your blog.

Cool Favicons 

Looking for favicon for your blog? Why don't you try using one of the coolest favicon ever made. These icons were collected by DTB.To use this images [Right Click and "Copy Image Address/Location"]


You can upload you own favicon by clicking here Create Favicon
I hope you like it.

1 comment:

  1. very informative articular, Thanks for sharing this
