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How To Remove Links From Comments On Blogger - No Spam


Its very common to post URL to other rich websites for raising traffic and page rank. But it's spamming and very disgusting for those webmasters who are facing this. many people make comment on various blog but their intention is only to get blacklink. They usually adopt Name/URL option to make comment in blogger. It's called Backhat SEO You can easily get rid of this trouble.

All you can do is disable post clickable link on blogger comment. If you do so you will not get less spam than before

Log in to blogger

Click the Edit HTML → Tick On Expand Widget Templates

Search the following code using F3

<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><></a>
Delete the entire code

Congratulation you are not gonna have huge spam. Now try to post links in comment box, the links are not clickable

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  1. Replies
    1. @Michael
      Hey Buddy this script only removes spam links not the current links..

  2. no way for removing just links leaving the comments intact?

  3. The tag is for comment author links, not for links within comment body (comment post). U should use javascript to remove them entirely. You can use CSS, but it's only for human eyes, Google will still read the links.

  4. Ya it didn't help
    Even your blog failed to block...

    any further update???

    1. You can paste the code just above < /body> tag (just remove [ & ]):

      [<] script src=''/ [>]
      [<] script>$('.comment-content a[rel$=nofollow]').replaceWith(function(){return ($(this).text());});[<] /script [>]
      more useful info: CSS Codes To Tune Up

  5. very informative articular, Thanks for sharing this
