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Microsoft Outlook Shortcut Keys


The followings are shortcuts for Microsoft Outlook. Some keys are version specific.
Use at your own risk.
Ctrl + BBold
Ctrl + CCopy.
Ctrl + FForward a message.
Ctrl + IItalic highlighted selection
Ctrl + KAuto-Complete the name or message.
Ctrl + PPaste selected text.

Ctrl + RReply to a message.
Alt + SCompose a new message
Ctrl + UUnderline
Ctrl + XCut selected text.
Ctrl + NCompose a new message.
Ctrl + Shift + ANew appointment to your calendar.
Ctrl + Shirt + CNew contact.
Ctrl + Shift + IGo to Inbox.
Ctrl + Shift + JNew journal entry.
Ctrl + Shift + KNew task.
Ctrl + Shift + OGo to Outbox.


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1 comment:

  1. very informative articular, Thanks for sharing this
