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Free Blogging Apps for iPhone / iPod Touch


Blogging app iphone-ipod-touchEver since i got my iPhone, i always wanted to pop it up with some blogging app. I didn't had a single penny in my budget so i had to search for some free blogging apps. I would say at this point blogger has betrayed us all. I couldn't find any Official Blogger iPhone app at the app store however we do have Blogger Official Blogging App for Android Device or the unofficial Blogaway. I feel so envious about those really professional looking and free applications like WordPress, Tumblr, HubPages etc. available for their respective users. 

Though there are really awesome apps from other companies like iBlogger for 9.99$ but you wont find many free. Also you wont find the full Blogger dashboard features.
So the two free apps that i found and are are " Blog Writer" and "Pen My Blog"  Surely not as classy as iBlogger but they surely work. They would give some basic features like posting new articles, managing feeds and stuff.

Pen My Blog :

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1.3 or later

pen my blogpen my blog

blogging appiphone blogging app
A really simple and user friendly app i must say. I have used it for couple of days. It works but its not the best. You can view your posts, write a new one easily. But the big draw back is that you cant see images within your post. Thats simply awful. Also the layout doesn't have much to offer. It would be better if there was some option to view the stats, revenue and stuff.
But still in the end its a free app. So what we want more.

Blog Write (Lite):

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 2.2 or later
This app is my personnel favorite among these two. At least you get to view the images in your post. Also it supports other blogging platforms like WordPress, self hosted WordPress.
blog write blogging appblog write feeds
blog write Editorblog write Image
blog write post list
I definitely look foward to use "Blog Writer" as my primary blogging application on iPhone until i buy iBlogger-may be :). With the increasing number of iPhone and iPods in the global  market Blogger should really move forward to build their own blogging app with full dashboard support. I Hope they will give our a good news soon. 

Final Judgement :

"Blog Writer" is definitely my hero as it has low system requirements and offers more then "Blog My Pen". Now you can work on your blog more than before. So try both of these apps and start using which best suites you. Until then, me going to play with those apps :)


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