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Add Twitter To Google Plus: Send & Receive Tweets

Your Twitter Feeds can easily be integrated into your Google Plus Dashboard. You now don't need to take the hassle of logging into your twitter account because now your friend tweets will be served live on your Google+ homepage. This little integration app is brought to you  by mytweetplace and this application works with all major browsers like IE, Mozilla and Chrome.

Customize Google+ Steam Layout

Google Plus is heard everywhere now. This great social networking site is expected to soon take over major social networks like Facebook. Developers everywhere are engaged in bringing more interesting codes to customize the look and feel of Google+ . I cam across an interesting Mozilla Firefox Add-on and Chrome extension created by Stylish. The code splits your Google+ homepage into two columns neatly. You will see your friends status updates in two wide columns thus making the experience more interesting.

How to Improve CSS Code To Improve - 10 Best Css Practices

It’s really easy to find yourself wondering how your CSS got to be such a mess.
Sometimes it’s the result of sloppy coding from the start, sometimes it’s because of multiple hacks and changes over time.
Whatever the cause, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Protect Your Blogger Site From Copy - Paste

This is very annoying when you find someone is copying your writings.Now question arise how to protect your blogger website from stealing your i share a tricks how can you save your blogger site from being copy paste.i mentioned a HTML code it will protect your only blogger site from copy paste

How To Remove Links From Comments On Blogger - No Spam

Its very common to post URL to other rich websites for raising traffic and page rank. But it's spamming and very disgusting for those webmasters who are facing this. many people make comment on various blog but their intention is only to get blacklink. They usually adopt Name/URL option to make comment in blogger. It's called Backhat SEO You can easily get rid of this trouble.

Unlock IPhone 5 Software With Modern Technology Advancement

The Unlock iPhone 5 Software is a result of technology information development and advancement. This iPhone is bringing up new era of communication which can be done with one device that would do many things. This modern technology innovation is one of human creations that is equipped with incredible system that is capable of providing speed communication, information, entertainment, and so forth.

Custom Emoticons for Facebook Chat / Messages

Use Facebook Emoticons codes for chatting and messaging.

This Emoticons made for Facebook chatting and message for those who love chatting with there friends, make your friend impress with your chatting

Facebook Graphic Text for Chatting on FB

Impress your friends with Stylish Text using in chat

Embed or post any video to your blog from anywhere in one click

Embed or post any video to your blog in one click from anywhereInternet videos are now a very happening phenomena all over the web. This can be clearly seen by the success of youtube which is now third most visited site just after and facebook in the world. Along with youtube there are also some great video sites like metacafe, dailymotion and many more. Now today I am going to share with you a great way to share your favourite

4 Steps to Increase Your Blog / blogger Traffic

increase blog trafficOne of the most common complaints that I hear from bloggers is the fact that no matter how hard they try, they can’t grow their blogs past 100 or so daily page vies. Those early days are indeed the hardest, because you need to put hard work in without the certainty of achieving results.
If you are in that same situation, here is a simple strategy that will certainly increase your blog traffic

Blogger's Custom Domain Setup Process Simplified


Its a new update by Blogger on its custom domain part. Some time ago here on MBT, you read 10+ Reasons Why you should buy a Custom Domain For Blogger. Having a custom domain have many advantages and would best suite you if you are serious about your blogging career and take it just not as a hobby but as a business.
And for that you should be knowing What is Custom Blogger Domain and Blogger Subdomain? 

Add Nofollow Tag To all Download, Demo & Iframed Link Pages


To make any link nofollow just change the link in this way,


To add a noindex tag which is not very necessary do this,


This is a short informative post for all those who share Download files or any other web related resources with there readers. A PageRank by Google is an important rank that determines the importance of your website or blog in the eyes of search engine spiders. A spider is a robot that is responsible for crawling your content and indexing it on data bases. Since the entire infrastructure of GOOGLE PR is based on quality backlinks therefore it very important that you should flow the PR juice wisely and do not waste it on useless links.  By useless links I mean websites that use login structures or IFrames

Top 10 Google Chrome Plugins


In an extensive multimedia network like the web, Google Chrome Iplugins aid in connecting all diverse features and bring a better browsing environment for the computer user. These add-ons support different Internet applications in an entire operational system. These extensions known as plugins that create network shortcuts are more than three thousand for this browser