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How to Brand Youtube Channel


Whether you run a business with a YouTube channel, you’re a blogger whose blog has a complementary YouTube channel, or you’re someone with a blog who’s thinking of setting up a YouTube channel, you may be interested in knowing how to brand a YouTube channel.
Why is branding important?  The most famous brands in the world are identified by their logos. In fact, a college kid can be wearing a red shirt with white lettering in the font of the Coke brand, but the message on the shirt doesn’t even have to read “Coke” in order for us to know what brand it is.
Your brand gives people a way to easily identify you. Because images are so powerful, your brand becomes a

Internet Connection Sharing on Windows XP


This trick shows you how to share your internet connections on multiple computers within a workgroup with Windows XP. Windows XP has a built-in feature that called "Internet Connection Sharing" (ICS) that allows home users to share their internet connections on multiple computers.
If you are not familiar with the network configurations, the easiest way to share your internet connection is to purchase a router or hub. Use this trick only if you don't have a router, or don't want to use a router, or if you just want to try out the feature.

Never Tag Internal Links with “rel=nofollow” Says Google


You waste an important use of your homepage PR when you don’t link your internal pages or when you link internal pages as nofollow. A PR flows like a river between all pages that you link to. The better the PR flow within your blog the better will your blog get indexed. Robots enjoy crawling content which is well organized in terms of linking. I have already discussed in detail on how to flow the PR juice to internal pages and just today I also published a post discussing the importance of nofollow tags. I shared in detail some steps that can help you better maintain your PR and make good use of it. It is really important that you understand the importance of in-page and off-page link building. The previous post discussed:

Is your Blog slowing down due to MyBlogLog Termination?


mybloglog-terminatedI was facing blog load time issues this week so I started looking at codes that were causing the problem. After a lot of trial and error I finally found the code responsible for slowing down the site load time. It was the code snippet provided by Mybloglog. I was confused as why it was behaving like this because being a yahoo service Mybloglog server’s should be fast in response as it is a social networking platform for bloggers provided by Yahoo. But then I read on Wikipedia that On February 24, 2011 Yahoo announced that the MyBlogLog service would be terminated on May 24, 2011. The code snippet was not causing problems till the end of July but it caused me great troubles in August. Since MyBloglog is no more so there is no use of keeping its code on your templates. Delete the code so that your blog may load at better speed.

Reduced Test Cases


If you are having trouble with something while building a webpage, the most helpful thing you can possibly do is start building a reduced test case. "Trouble" could be anything: the CSS isn't doing what you think it should, the JavaScript isn't behaving right, there are cross-browser issues, etc. In the process of creating a reduced test case, you will either:
  • Find out it was a mistake you made, help you isolate it, and fix it (or have a great test page for asking for help)

Poll Results: Large file on major CDN or small file local


Local wins with 55%
I quite enjoyed this poll because the results were so neck and neck. It was only in the last week or so that a clear winner has emerged.
Like all polls ever run in the history of this website, there is lots of things to consider and the poll was probably too simple for it's own good. Nonetheless, I consider just getting people thinking about this issue a success.